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From Wikimania

If you could give the people who design and plan Wikimania in general one piece of advice, what would it be?

El chico de mesa de acreditaciónes e informes es un lindón
Be proud of what you have done
No creo que lo necesiten por el momento, ya que todos los aspectos fueronnexcelentemente tenidos en cuenta
Call in more staff. Early. Add some redundancy. Get more sponsors.
Think more carefully about WHY you organize Wikimania, and base your decisions on that, instead of on the past...
It might make sense, when people submit proposals about their talks, to also let them include a list of presenters that their talks shouldn\'t be scheduled against, because they\'ll have a similar audience. There were a few such collisions at Wikimania \'09, that might have been avoided if the organizers had known about them in advance.
keep working that you did until now
Actively court Wikipedians in developing countries
Better access software for poor countrys
Have fun doing it
breathe, but get it done
Más tiempo entre conferencias y que las sesiones sean tan largas como los disertantes necesiten.
Don\'t let the free software movement coup the event.
Give lots of information and make it easy for people to organize and plan their own events/talks around Wikimania.
Work engaging local community!
Agradecimientos por todo lo que han hecho.
Improve communication!
avoid any references to vip dinner and the like wikimedians who spend most of their time without pay are the real vips
Just keep it on, guys
It was sad to see no Egyptians at Wikimania this year (after Alexandria), and hardly anyone from Africa. It was also disappointing that some Wikimedia chapters were not represented. Scholarships need to consider giving more support so that chapters people and contributors from less wealthy places can attend. For people from less wealthy places (and students from wealthy places), they might need more support than just paying the airfare. Also, all the presenters should be offered a scholarship, unless a presenter has support from their own organization (e.g. the WikiHow speaker).
better security for computers from the beginning and not in a pro active defensive tactic to counter balance the problem after it happens
Control sobre el acceso a WM de personas, \"prensa\" (mostrar credencial del medio al que responden) o personas que no son wikipedistas.
Better organized web site and advanced publicity
That do not worry so much, everything worked out perfect for them.
Respondido en las preguntas anteriores, como Q11.
More social and colective activities
Que lo hagan con tiempo, que planifiquen bien la cantidad de asistentes, y que de ser posible aumenten el número de becas y faciliten su obtención para los Wikimedianos activos.
El equipo de Wikimania Argentina hizo muy buen trabajo, gracias a todos !
Make the public can comment during the conference, to make questions and comments of the topics.
try to slim down the online presence to make it easier to find the relevant information
I have heard that there were problems convincing some keynote speakers to come to BA -- maybe something needs to be done to improve the reputation of Wikimania outside the community (without actually changing the conference ;). This may also include basic issues like making sure that the current Wikimania is high up on Google (even \"Wikimania\" used to return older conferences until recently, \"Wikipedia conference\" still has Wikimania 2006 above all other Wikimanias). This can be achieved by distributing (non-\"nofollow\") links in many places.
translation is important!! in partcular if u live stream and podcast the sessions!!
Make it more open to first timers, people that are new to Wikimedia.
More social activities/less presentations
Be sure in all rooms there is microfone, in the room \"Madres de plaza de mayo\" it was very difficult to listen to the speakers
More lightning talks, trust the participants more.
Han hecho un gran trabajo. La organización fue estupenda. Nada de que quejarse.
Make sure events and presentations are organized early and published on the wiki with all details at least 3 months in advance. Be more open to support from others.
There were a few moments when things felt a bit cliquey; And it just felt a different organisation than the one I take part in, maybe because there were so many people who\'ve moved on from wikipedia and are no longer very active on it.
Social spaces are important.
Keep working as you actually do?
More Wikimania in the city.
work better on the jury/bidding processes, there\'s room for improvement. also, make sure you always do a post-mortem... we could use wikimaniateam being cleaned up with some tips gathered over the years
More spectacle :-) Wikimedia projects have the raw material and energy to produce ten times the spectacle of a normal boring conference... but we tend not to have enough, instead.
Keep up the good work, thanks!
keep walikng!
No tengo sugerencias.
Do not get coky, do not become too selective, trust the pilars, trust the people. Everyone wants to be part of an elite group for the wealth of the human race, but no one wants to be part of a group of grumpy and closed minded elitists.
Many thanks for all your hard work!
Write down what works and what doesn\'t to pass on.
ninguno, estuvo muy bieb organizado y diseñado.
Look at 2009; they did good. :-)
do it like in argentina!
More on editing, extracurricular activities
improve communication channels with the world outside
nothing, it was fine.
El consejo seria que la proxima, dejen mas tiempo para las relaciones sociales, que es donde mas se aprende y donde mas jugo sacamos a nuestro tiempo en la wikimania
don\'t panic ;)
longer coffee breaks so that people would be more willing to return to conference halls in the end of the break
GO AHEAD, YOU ARE GREAT!!! Mantain the same spirit of freedom, solidarity and academic quality! Think about the needs of the most vulnerable people of the world, for making from Wikipedia a fully universal initiative.
Mantener el nivel de apertura,solidaridad, atención, organización que demostraron los organizadores de la 2009, incluso después del evento
Continue bilingual conferences to avoid American ethnocentrism.
Mayor sencillez en la interfaz tanto de los sitios, como en las reglas establecidas.
Have fun!
Get as many volunteers as you can, and organize them well. Always aim high.
Try to line up dozens of volunteers to support the conference attendees (with directions, map-reading, food-finding, etc). Taipei \'07 did a great job getting high school students to help, and I think it made the organizers\' lives much easier during Wikimania itself.
Don\'t take too many things on too few people. Delegate more.