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From Wikimania
en-N This user can read and write at a native level in English.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.

Markie from Wikinews. Im a memeber of the Online Team which involves streaming and web stuff (including wiki maintenance and stuff like that).

To do list

Please dont add stuff here yet, let 2008 go :-p

Playarea :D

To see this you will need to do the following as the required code is not in the sitewide files.

Centro Cultural General San Martín
Centro Cultural General San Martín

Centro Cultural General San Martín Entrance
Centro Cultural General San Martín Entrance

Centro Cultural General San Martín Lobby
Centro Cultural General San Martín Lobby
Centro Cultural General San Martín Lobby
Centro Cultural General San Martín Lobby

Comments on the playarea :P

Hi, Markie, I've just seen this when looking through recent changes. I wouldn't use flags to represent languages, first of all to avoid hurting anyone, but also because while English may be universally identified with a combined Union Jack/American flag, identification between the whole Spanish language and the flag of Spain isn't everytimes clear. Apart from that, I would let the single "Wikimanía 2009 - Buenos Aires, 25 al 29 de agosto de 2009" in Spanish as a kind of home language reception, but we still can rework this if you (you all English-speaking fellows) find it necessary. --Galio 19:48, 3 February 2009 (UTC)

aye, ill leave be :p --Markie 15:38, 4 February 2009 (UTC)