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Semantic MediaWiki

From Wikimania

Semantic MediaWiki

Panelists Denny Vrandecic (University of Karlsruhe), Markus Krötzsch (University of Karlsruhe), Yaron Koren (Referata)
Themes TechnologyContent
About the panelists
Denny Vrandecic is a researcher at the Institute of Applied Informatics

and Formal Description Methods (Institute AIFB) of the Universität Karlsruhe (TH). He received his Master for studying Computer Science and Philosophy at the University of Stuttgart. Now his research interests include ontology engineering and evaluation, and keeping in mind that making life easier for humans is our main focus. He is a co-developer of Semantic MediaWiki and co-authored several books for Germany's

most-popular role playing game. He is Bureaucrat on the Croatian Wikipedia.
Markus Krötzsch is a PhD student and researcher at the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (Institute AIFB) of the Universität Karlsruhe (TH), and lead developer of the Semantic MediaWiki.
Yaron Koren is a freelance web consultant, focusing on Semantic MediaWiki and its applications. He has created or maintains around 10 MediaWiki extensions, including the best-known SMW-spinoff extension, Semantic Forms. He runs the SMW-based wiki farm Referata, and has helped launch a variety of SMW-based sites, including Discourse DB and the OpenCongress wiki. Yaron has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from MIT.

Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) is an extension to MediaWiki that allows to add data to the articles and to reuse and visualize the data inside and outside of the wiki. Hundreds of sites use SMW, and there is a growing ecosystem of extensions on top of it, developers, professional support, etc. We present SMW, new developments, a future outlook, and discuss plans to integrate it in Wikipedia.

Language English
Video (download)